[dropcap color="" boxed="no" boxed_radius="8px" class="" id=""]S[/dropcap] erge Dezutter, joined the FilmCo to undertake one of our larger training programmes, having come to us with no previous production experience but a solid DiveMaster Training from Davey Jones Locker, Koh Tao. Through out some ups and downs concerning his ability to dive we adjusted the focus a little and concentrated on what we could achieve. And o'my did he have some big ideas.

This fictional creation is a parody of a sporting event - which  he dreamt up the first ever World Underwater Bubblering Championships held right her on Koh Tao. Even with a few of the sound issues that we had we think that Serge has produced a fun film and has learnt an incredible amount in this short space of time.

[checklist icon="fa-dot-circle-o" iconcolor="#4f4f4f" circle="yes" circlecolor="#cccccc" size="medium" class="" id=""]
[li_item icon="fa-glass"]Congratulations Serge PADI Underwater Cinematographer[/li_item]
[li_item icon=""]We wish you all the best for your next adventure[/li_item]
[li_item icon="fa-music"]And know that you will have fun what ever you do[/li_item]